
Trends begins its activities in the “Month of Reading” Organizes a Panel Discussion on Cooperation between Research Institutions

Trends Research and Advisory hosted Dr. Mohamed Megahed El-Zayat, Academic Advisor to the Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies, in a panel discussion on the importance of cooperation between research and academic institutions in various fields of scientific research. The panel focused on the rapid developments in the region and beyond. The event marked the beginning of Trends’ activities as part of the UAE’s Month of Reading.

The panel discussion witnessed active participation by a group of Trends’ researchers and experts, and highlighted the need for cooperation between research and academic institutions in various fields of scientific research. The discussion contributes to anticipating events in a balanced scientific manner.

The panel was attended by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory. Dr. El-Zayat discussed several issues, including the importance of research cooperation. It was stressed that cooperation between research and academic institutions contributes to the exchange of experiences and transfer of knowledge, opens new horizons for scientific research, and enables efficient use of available resources.

The speaker mentioned certain areas of cooperation between research and academic institutions, such as: conducting joint research, organizing scientific conferences and seminars, publishing scientific research, opinion polls and training.

The seminar recommended the need to enhance cooperation between research and academic institutions, through the development of strategic plans, holding regular meetings between researchers, and encouraging the exchange of researchers and experts between institutions.

The panel discussion concluded by stressing the need for cooperation between research and academic institutions as an urgent necessity to develop correct and well-documented scientific visions that deliver sound solutions. Such effort would help address emerging challenges, enhancing knowledge transfer, and highlight the importance of concerted efforts to overcome obstacles to enhance mutual cooperation between the relevant research and academic institutions.


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