Barometer Analytical Reports

Trading on Digital Platforms

As part of its opinion poll series, TRENDS Research & Advisory Center conducted a poll about “Trading on Digital Platforms” with the aim of exploring the opinions of the UAE community members about trading on digital platforms in the UAE.

The poll contained the following 11 questions:

  1. Have you heard or read about digital trading platforms?
  2. Do you, or did you ever, use digital trading platforms?
  3. From where did you know about digital trading platforms?
  4. Which digital trading platforms do you use or plan to use?
  5. What item do you trade most on digital trading platforms?
  6. What is the size of your investment portfolio on digital trading platforms?
  7. How often do you use UAE-licensed digital trading platforms UAE?
  8. How do you evaluate trading on UAE-licensed digital platforms, in terms of safety and ease of trading?
  9. What is the level of your trust in trading on UAE-licensed digital platforms?
  10. What are the criteria that you rely on in choosing a digital trading platform?
  11. To what degree do you recommend the use of digital trading platforms?

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