Barometer Analytical Reports

Viewpoints of Experts and Specialists on Russia-Ukraine war

TRENDS Research and Advisory conducted an opinion poll to solicit the views of experts and specialists on the causes of the Russia-Ukraine war and their expectations regarding the outcomes for the two countries as well as for the international community.

The opinion poll, supervised by the TRENDS Global Barometer Department, included 12 questions:

  1. To what extent are you following the latest developments of the Russia-Ukraine war?
  2. Through which of the following media outlets are you following the developments of the Russia-Ukraine war?
  3. What is your position regarding the Russian military operation in Ukraine?
  4. Several reasons have been given for the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war. What do you think caused the war?
  5. What measures should the international community take to stop the war?
  6. Will Russia achieve its stated goals, including neutralizing Ukraine?
  7. How long do you think this war will last?
  8. Analysts talk about several possible scenarios for the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war. What is the most likely scenario in your opinion?
  9. Do you expect Russia to face a war of attrition as it did in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989?
  10. What is your position regarding the recruitment of foreign fighters by both sides?
  11. What are the implications of recruiting foreign fighters?
  12. Is there still a chance for a diplomatic solution to the Russia-Ukraine war?

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