Barometer Analytical Reports

Reliability of News and News Sources for the UAE Community

As part of its opinion poll series, TRENDS Research & Advisory Center conducted a poll on the “UAE Public Opinion on the Reliability of News Sources”. The poll aimed to gauge the level of trust UAE residents had in various news sources.

Supervised by the Center’s Global Barometer Department, the poll was conducted in the context of a memorandum of understanding and cooperation recently signed between TRENDS Research and Advisory Center and the Al-Emarat Al-Youm newspaper, aimed at enhancing partnership and cooperation between research centers and media institutions, both regionally and internationally.

The poll included a number of questions aimed at finding out how interested UAE residents were in following the news and identifying the main news sources on which they relied.

The poll also sought to explore the first news source UAE residents turned to in the event of an important local or international development.

The poll included four questions:

  1. Are you interested in following the news?
  2. Which news sources do you rely on the most?
  3. What is your level of trust in the following news sources?
  4. Which news source do you turn to first in the event of an important local or international development?

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