Barometer Analytical Reports

Taliban assuming control again in Afghanistan

As part of its opinion poll series, TRENDS Research & Advisory Center conducted a poll on “The Return of the Taliban to Power in Afghanistan”. The poll aimed to explore the opinions of experts and specialists in international political affairs in order to gauge the impact of the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, on both Afghanistan and the international community.

The poll included eleven questions:

  1. Are you interested in the recent developments in Afghanistan (American withdrawal and Taliban assuming power again)?
  2. Do you think that the Taliban rule in Afghanistan will have an impact on the Arab and Islamic world?
  3.  If yes, what will be the nature of this impact?
  4. Do you think that there will be a rapprochement between the Taliban and the Muslim Brotherhood?
  5.  Do you think that the Taliban rule in Afghanistan will have an impact on the activity of extremist groups in the world?
  6. If yes, what will be the outcome of this current situation on the activity of these groups across the world?
  7.  Do you expect Al-Qaeda to resume its activity in Afghanistan now that the Taliban has assumed control of the country?
  8.  How do you see the future of relations between ISIS (Khorasan Province) and the Taliban?
  9.  In your opinion, how will the current Taliban rule in Afghanistan be in comparison with its rule between 1996 - 2001?
  10. Do you think that the Taliban will pay more attention to civil rights (minorities rights, women rights, etc.)?
  11. Generally, what do you think the future will hold in store for Afghanistan now that the Taliban has assumed control of the country?


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