Barometer Analytical Reports

Recent European Measures Against Political Islam Groups

As part of its opinion poll series, TRENDS Research & Advisory conducted a poll on the attitudes toward political Islam groups and extremist organizations, and the impact of the recent measures taken by some European countries – namely France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland – to restrict the activities of these groups and organizations. The poll sought to explore the opinions of experts and specialists as regards the level of risk posed by political Islam groups and extremist organizations to European societies, and the effectiveness of the measures taken by European countries to curb their activities.

The poll included eleven questions:

  1. How interested are you in following the issues and activities of political Islam groups?
  2. What degree of danger do the following political Islam groups pose to European societies?
  3. To what extent are you supportive of the recent European laws and measures to curb the activities of political Islam groups?
  4. Do you think the recent European laws and measures will affect Muslim communities in Europe?
  5. Do you expect that other European countries will adopt similar laws and measures in the future?
  6. What are the reasons for the recent actions taken by European countries against political Islam groups?
  7. Do you think the Muslim Brotherhood has any influence in European countries?
  8. To what extent do you think the Muslim Brotherhood’s contributions to the economy of European countries – through its funding activities – influences Europe’s decisions regarding the Middle East?
  9. To what extent does the Muslim Brotherhood influence Muslims in Europe?
  10. To what extent are you supportive of the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in Europe?
  11. Why has the Muslim Brotherhood not yet been designated as a terrorist organization in Europe?

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