Barometer Analytical Reports

Remote Education

As part of its opinion polls series, TRENDS Research & Advisory conducted a poll on “Remote Education” to explore the opinions of parents of students and educators about the system of remote education in the United Arab Emirates and the education method they prefer in the upcoming school year.

Supervised by the Global Barometer Department at TRENDS, the poll came within the framework of a memorandum of understanding and cooperation signed recently between ‘TRENDS Research and Advisory’ and ‘Al-Imarat Al-Yawm’ newspaper with the aim of reinforcing partnership and cooperation between TRENDS and other national and international research centers and media institutions.

The poll sought to provide a community service to locals and residents of the United Arab Emirates and understand their opinions about the method of education the see suitable for their children in the upcoming school year. It included a number of questions designed to measure the views of parents of students and educators about methods of education they deem appropriate for their children, as well as their evaluation of the remote education experience last year.

The poll asked about the method of education preferred by parents of students for upcoming year students of kindergarten, and whether they prefer classroom education, remote education, or a hybrid education method (remote and classroom).

The poll tried to know the opinions of parents of students about their preferred education method for elementary level students (primary level/cycle 1) in the upcoming school year. They were given three options as answers: classroom method, remote method, hybrid method (remote and classroom). They were also asked about their preferred education method for intermediate level students (cycle 2) in the upcoming school year, and for secondary level students (cycle 3) in the upcoming school year.

The poll sought to know how parents of students evaluate the remote education experience last year according to many indicators, such as learning achievement of students, electronic platforms provided by the school, performance of teachers, the remote education experience in general.

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