Barometer Analytical Reports

Post-Covid-19 Future of Health Security

As part of its opinion poll series, TRENDS Research & Advisory conducted a poll on the future of health security after Covid-19.

The poll focused on exploring Arab and international public opinion trends related to perceptions of health security, the changes in those perceptions in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the future of health security after the pandemic.

The poll included questions gauging the awareness of the shifts =in = health security, including the most essential components of health security and the role of the World Health Organization in tackling the pandemic. The poll also tried to assess the health sector’s role in their countries, and the level of coordination between countries in general. It asked respondents about their views on new preventive habits and behaviors, such as physical distancing, wearing gloves and masks, and repeated washing of hands, weaknesses in the healthcare sector in many countries, and whether they expect the healthcare to be a priority for their country in the future.

The poll also included questions about unequal access to necessary healthcare and whether this inequality will shrink in the future. It asked how the Covid-19 pandemic affected health habits, such as regular general medical checkups, maintaining a healthy diet, physical exercise, avoiding addictive habits, and getting enough sleep, and expectations of what is likely to happen due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Respondents comprised a random sample of both genders, with varied nationalities, age groups, and education levels.

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