Barometer Analytical Reports

Post-Covid-19 Vaccines

TRENDS Research & Advisory Center conducted a public opinion poll about vaccines in post-Covid-19 period, to know the opinions of society members about the numerous advertisements and promotions of vaccines all over the world; and safety of those vaccines; and whether they have passed the stage of tests and experiments before being completely and officially approved. The questionnaire included four important questions: The First question: Do you support using the newly developed vaccine of Covid-19 with all ages? The Second question: Should the vaccine be approved by the World Health Organization before it is released for public use? The Third question: Which of the newly discovered vaccines do you prefer to use (Emirati, American, British, Russian, Chinese)? The Fourth question: Do you think that a vaccine of Covid-19 will be available for public use before the end of 2020?

This questionnaire was posted in Arabic and English languages at TRENDS website for two weeks, to give people enough time to respond to its questions.

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