Barometer Analytical Reports

Global Economic Recovery in the Post-Covid-19 Era

TRENDS Research & Advisory conducted a survey from April 11-25, 2021, on global economic recovery in the post-Covid-19 era. The survey was intended to understand the Arab and international views on the state of the global economy during the pandemic, the urgent need for recovery, the role that governments can play in this regard, and the main sectors that can lead the recovery.

The survey contained several questions, including: Is the global economy heading toward recovery from the Covid-19 crisis? What are the requirements for the global economy to recover from the crisis? What can governments and the private sector do to accelerate recovery? To what degree can the reliance of countries on green investments or projects (such as renewable energy, digital infrastructure etc.) contribute to the global economic recovery? What are the major challenges to the global economic recovery? What economic sectors can lead the global economy toward recovery from the Covid-19 crisis?

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